Friday, January 18, 2013

Good And Healthy Snacks

Are you sometimes hungry in between meals? Yeah.. join the club!
These are some healthy tips.

The following pictures are some healthy and pro-diet snacks.

Jup, some simple carrots can do the trick, cut them in pieces and take them with you to work, school etc.
Not only are carrots low on calories, they also give you a great vitamin boost!
Different kind of nuts or seeds are good for you to!
Plus they have a high level of protein (=good for your muscles!)
And another plus on this delicious snack: they stop the "hungry" feeling very fast.
Vegetable soup.
Prefer  the green kinds of vegetables when you make soup.
They have a high level of vitamins and protein.
Try to make this soup as low fat as possible and you can drink it any time a day. 
Cherry tomatoes
There really is no limit when it comes to vegetables !
Easy to bring to school or work,...

Now ladies, before you jump to the conclusion that you always knew chocolate was good for you: read this first!
This is dark chocolate with over 70% of cacao!
Anything below 70%  is not as healthy as this.
This dark chocolate is low fat and some doctors actually say 1 piece a day is really good for you!

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